The Town Planning Experts
Landlord property planning consultancy service
“The landlord’s planning consultants of choice”
Comprising chartered* town planners we offer a high quality, affordable nationwide service.
We aim to give you the best advice possible so you can avoid making costly applications with little chance of success.
*As members of the Royal Town Planning Institute we will only take on a project if we feel you have a reasonable chance of success. Once we have taken it on we will fight tooth and nail on your behalf.
Benefits to LNPG members:
- Simple, clear pricing structure
- All our consultants are members of the Royal Town Planning Institute and are bound by the rules and regulations of that organisation. All the consultants have previously worked in local government so bring to the table a wide ranging knowledge and experience of the area in which they operate with an understanding of the local councils’ procedures and attitudes to development.
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Some information on this page is just for members – it might include pricing, contact information and other sensitive details that we need to keep to ourselves.
Please log in or sign up as an LNPG member to continue.
Buying Instructions
When you contact the Town Planning Experts, they will take some preliminary details about yourself, the site and the project you have in mind. This will be passed to the best consultant for your requirements who will contact you to discuss the project and to agree the fee
The Town Planning Expert offer:
- Full planning service from Triage Zoom meetings to look at the site and give you the best way forward solution.
- Pre-application submissions, planning applications and appeals together with the necessary negotiation and discussions with the council’s planning officers.
We seek to keep a simple, clear pricing structure. In each case however, your consultant will set out the fee based on the complexity of the case and the level of work required, including any additional supporting reports.*
In all cases a free, formal, written quote will be provided in advance of instruction, with a 14 day cooling off period if you decide not to accept it. Fees do not include the preparation of plans, additional specialist reports or the application fee required by the local planning authority.
All prices inclusive of VAT.
- Planning Assistant HMO advice £594.00
- Planning Assistant Tier One work outside of a London Borough £1,188.00
- Planning Assistant Tier One work inside of a London Borough £1,306.80
- Director or Head of Planning Tier One work outside of a London Borough £1,306.80
- Director or Head of Planning Tier One work inside of a London Borough £1,505.38
- Planning Assistant Tier Two work outside of a London Borough £2,376.00
- Planning Assistant Tier Two work inside of a London Borough £2,613.60
- Director or Head of Planning Tier Two work outside of a London Borough £2508.96
- Director or Head of Planning Tier Two work inside of a London Borough £2759.86
- This is carried out by a Director and is bespoke.
Contact Information
Address: 204 Technopole, Kingston Crescent, Portsmouth, PO2 8FA.
Telephone: 02392 523352