Andy Churchill
LNPG are constantly seeking ways that will save money for landlords.
Andy Churchill
We asked Andy four simple questions – below is his response.
1. How do you feel about being an LNPG member
[APC] LNPG are constantly seeking ways that will save money for landlords. Bearing in mind the increasing costs that are being imposed on owners of investment properties, this can only be a good thing. LNPG have definitely saved me money and it helps me to run cost effective refurbs for my properties.
2. How has it helped your business
[APC] It makes a difference on the bottom line! Refurbs can be costly and if the other cost aspects can be reduced, that all helps to increase profit.
3. How much money do you estimate having saved by being as member
[APC] it is in the thousands. The prices are significantly lower than competitors.
4. What would your message be to a landlord considering joining LNPG?
[APC] It’s a no brainer! Join up and reap the benefits.